Alessia Pattara and Jess LeBlancMar 9Vic Student Knows Great Underground SpotVictoria College is renowned for its population of artistic “individuals,” who often can be found smoking cigarettes or giving unprompted...
Shiven Sai GandhiMar 8Student Complaining About Prof's Indian Accent Fine With Klingon Speaking TAAttending lectures is a mixed bag for students. For many, it might be a no-brainer, but for some, it’s similar to attending an orgy -...
Jonah WinebergMar 6Honorary Degree Recipient Wishes it Wasn’t in Renaissance StudiesThe University of Toronto is set to confer 11 honorary degrees to various figures of acclaim and esteem in 2024. However, not all...
Keah SharmaMar 4Self-Proclaimed Freethinker Copies Lecture Slides Word for WordWith one of the highest university rankings in the world, UofT touts itself as an institution with students brimming with potential. What...
Natalie Cader-BeutelMar 1“Impossible” Midterm Has Existential CrisisUofT students from all faculties and programs despise midterm season. Even worse than finals according to some students, studying for...
Keah SharmaFeb 22UofT Eliminating Trinity College to Meet Waste Reduction GoalRecently, UofT was announced as the number one most sustainable university in the world. Though it’s unclear how much Gertler and his...