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  • Shane Wang

CS Department Not Sure They Will Make POSt

There has been ongoing backlash from Computer Science students following the fifth crash of their department-run course website in two days. 

"I just don't get it!" an irritated fourth-year student ranted on the r/UofT subreddit. "I didn’t know it’d be so hard for a team of professionals in CS to build a functioning website. These profs keep telling us that they're 'working on it', but nothing, I repeat nothing, has changed in the past four years. Why can't they just learn from the Physics department? Like, they haven’t broken a law of physics in the last century!"

In the CS department's defence, however, it should be noted that there have been significant improvements made since April. One senior professor remarked that they recently celebrated a record 13 consecutive days (Aug 28th to Sep 9th) of no crashes, the longest streak since 2005. 

Despite the recent streak, many freshmen are suffering immensely from the outages, such as Lawrence Talbot, a first-year student who's planning on majoring in computer science.

"Because of these stupid outages, I failed to submit Assignment 27 on time. I'm not entirely sure about other students' situations, but I'm fairly sure that my GPA dropped to a 3.9. Now I'm not even sure if it's mathematically possible for me to make it into any of the CS programs.” Talbot has since been considering transferring to Ryerson. 

Dr. Galvin McCarthy, a new professor with the CS department, has been facing similar problems. He shared his frustrations with The Boundary, explaining that if the situation does not change for the better, his ratings will not be high enough to ensure his tenure. 

"I don't want to end up teaching stats or something just because my ratings aren't high enough. That’s not what I came to UofT for," he said. 

Photo Credit: Shane Wang



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