Do you ever try to spread joy by asking women to smile more? Do you exclusively date Asian women because you're a POC ally? Do you ever tell women how they look better without makeup because an all-natural face is just so gorgeous? If so, you just might be a feminist hero.
This week, The Boundary had the pleasure of witnessing one such champion of feminism in action during a tutorial for POL370: Gender and Political Awareness. Political science student Zach Antoff has been a keen advocate for women since the beginning of the term. “You know, these days, everyone’s after men, we have it hard,” Antoff told The Boundary. “But, I don’t let it get to me, I love these queens! At the end of the day, they really need a man’s protection out there.”
Antoff has been interrupting female-identifying students since he could string the words “not all” and “men” together. Rather than listening to women, he wants to give them a chance to rest their sweet lil’ voices so he can co-opt their ideas. Upon further questioning from The Boundary, Zach proceeded to launch into an unsolicited monologue on how “men have become a minority.”
So the next time you say “I’m a good guy, I swear, I have a sister” or “you’re not like other girls,” just remember: for real feminist heroes, actions speak louder than words–cut a bitch off instead.