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Clare Mooney

White Feminist Demands February Be Renamed “Black HERstory Month”

As we all know, the month of February is dedicated to celebrating the achievements and history of black members of our community. Generally speaking, most activists are in favour of Black History Month and the issues it represents. However, it appears as though this sentiment is not unanimous. A certain self-proclaimed social justice advocate and radical male feminist here on campus, Christopher Davis, has recently demonstrated his opposition to calling February Black History Month.

Davis is requesting that the name be changed to be “more inclusive,” stating that he finds the use of the term “history” both “misogynistic and insulting.” When our Boundary correspondent asked what he would suggest it be called, Davis proposed “Black Herstory Month” in order to be more inclusive for women. Davis also noted that he found the original name of the month to be exclusive for non-Black women: “Think about how much Taylor Swift and other white people have done for the black community. Shouldn’t they also be recognized?”

We spoke with the UofT Black Student Alliance, who made the official statement: “What the f**k is he talking about?”

The Boundary would like to state, for the record, that we have no desire for the name change; we are simply reporting the opinion of one student, a probably well-meaning white feminist.



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