Firstly we here at The Boundary would like to formally apologize for the lack of coverage on Dr. Steve Joordens, the UTSC psychology professor who allegedly broadcasted a pornographic video during a lecture.
We simply didn’t have sufficient information on the incident, and therefore could not adequately provide coverage. It is for this reason we are pleased to introduce our newly appointed Joordens-specific “beat” reporter: Richard Dzerkoffovich.
Dick will be undertaking the undeniably hard task of reviewing Dr. Joorden’s past lecture material, in order to unearth any potentially lewd or vile content. Mr. Dzerkoffovich is highly regarded in his field, and it is truly a stroke of luck that we were able to obtain his services.
Dick is already deeply embedded in the Joorden’s operation and is making major headway in his investigations. Any content that arouses suspicion will be meticulously examined, with comprehensive case files submitted to The Boundary nightly.
This may be a tough nut to crack, but expect Dick to crank out several articles a month as he continues to work vigilantly in pursuit of this story.