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Op Ed: Read Syllabus Before Taking GLC346: Getting Your Legs Crushed by a Hydraulic Press

Jonah Wineberg

DO NOT TAKE THIS COURSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know what you’re thinking: “This’ll be a fun bird course,” “It’ll be a walk in the park.” Well, let me assure you that this could not be further from the truth. This course blindsides you with unexpected material and is an absolute headache to get through.

First of all, there are discussion board posts due EVERY WEEK. There’s nothing more aggravating than those annoying little assignments that barely make a dent in the overall average of the course. Second of all, I got my legs crushed by a hydraulic press. 

Don’t even get me started on the expensive course material, I can’t even count all the hidden costs involved. Not to mention the dingy classroom space with uncomfortable seats, the dull lecturer, and the hydraulic press that crushed my legs into paste.

While I have my grievances with the course, I must admit that the lecture material was pretty interesting. Regardless, I would take GLC329: Getting Hit in the Head with a Big Rock instead, though I haven’t had any friends in that class so can’t say what the course would entail. Anyone who can send me the syllabus?



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