An upper-year student attempted to work in niche historical tidbits from his bland 5,600-word TRN410 paper and pass them off as “casual conversation” early Tuesday evening, sources tell The Boundary.
“We were hanging at our place, right, and Jason, who’s my buddy, starts jabbering about the Single European Act and how we’re basically all ‘beneficiaries’ of it,” said exasperated third-year Sloane Pearson.
Pearson claims that the man-in-question, Jason Sajko, had been “in and out” of the conversation all night.
But after the discussion shifted from Heineken to Leffe, the delicious Belgian ale, Pearson says Sajko’s ears perked up.
The scattered and increasingly distant library dweller started peppering the conversation with “Jacques Delors references,” and making “cracks” about the “failed exchange rate mechanism,” among other things, states Pearson.
“I went to the washroom and was violently sick for a few long minutes,” Pearson admitted. “I just couldn’t take it. I drink to escape, not to plunge myself back into the world of Nigel Lawson and Geoffrey Howe. Good God.”
Sajko told The Boundary he was at the library and could not immediately respond to our requests for comment.