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  • Nona Jalali

Prof Drunk-Texts "Miss Youu" to Student Who Dropped Class

Every UofT student has had to make the difficult decision at one point in their university career: do I take an elective that will drag down my GPA and ruin my life, or do I drop it and channel that energy into perfecting Rainbow Road? While most students would be happy with the latter option, their ex-professors may not feel the same way.

Enter Professor Andrew Flannigan, the most well-liked lecturer on campus. A bonafide faculty-sweetheart, even Professor Flannigan’s TAs enjoy working with him––a milestone that is only reached by the chillest of profs. For this reason, “Andy” (the name his students call him by) was shocked to learn that his favourite student, Gert Bertler, dropped his most sought-after class: PCL218: Cannabis the Drug.

“I feel like it came out of nowhere,” admitted the sniffly professor, chomping down spoonfuls of Häagen-Dazs between words. “Did a younger, better class come along? Was he actually taking a different course behind my back this whole time? Gert was the only student who would speak up in class, and now... well, it’s just me.”

Reaffirming Flannigan’s dismay, Bertler sent The Boundary screenshots of messages that Flannigan sent the night Bertler dropped his class:

8:36pm - Flannigan: Hi bert

8:36pm - Flannigan: Gert

8:38pm - Bertler: Hey professor

8:39pm - Flannigan: U didn’t come to class today

9:20pm - Bertler: No, sorry I dropped the course

9:21pm - Flannigan: Oh k haha

9:53pm - Flannigan: Was it jst the colour sceme of my slides or like

10:39pm - Flannigan: Whyd u leave us man?

10:40pm - Bertler: It was my 6th course

10:57pm - Flannigan: Ah ok

10:58pm - Flannigan: Miss youu



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