Autumn isn’t the only season that begins with the new semester. September marks the start of the long-awaited intramural season at U of T. Higher stakes than usual are being felt by students all over campus as Ontario sports betting permeates the intramural world.
“With my B+ in ECO101, I’m feeling really lucky,” reported second-year economics major Michael Gambelle, right before losing over $6000 of his meal plan in an all-in bet on a September Table Tennis game between the Rotman Commerce and Engineering Department teams.
When asked how he planned to eat this semester, Gambelle revealed his intention to “bet the dorm room” on an Ultimate Frisbee game in early October to recoup his losses. “It was a mistake to rely on a tip that an engineering player was battling carpal tunnel. And for betting on Table Tennis,” Gambelle admitted, “With Ultimate Frisbee, there are more players, so fewer externalities. Duh.”
Intramural games have seen an unprecedented spike in interest as a result of the sports-betting craze. Matches that would previously be lucky to see a handful of students spectating are now seeing, in some instances, upwards of two handfuls of students supporting their peers from the sidelines. “Intramural sports seem to have built a huge fan base,” said Dusty Broom, a custodian at the Athletic Center, “I even had to drag out an extra bench.”
If you or a student you know is struggling with an addiction to gambling, do not hesitate to contact Health & Wellness at (416) 978-8030, press 9 followed by 3, and proceed to wait until you cannot wait anymore. Then, come by the next intramural flag football game. An insider has confirmed a messy breakup between two key players on the red team.