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That Guy on St. George Smoking a Cigarette in Your Face is "Really Sorry"

Clare Mooney

The University of Toronto has its quirks, and its incessant smoking problem is one of them. Whether it’s living in residence and smelling pot in every corner of your floor or stumbling over cigarette butts on Harbord Street, every student has been made victim. 

One of the greatest concerns, among smoking and non-smoking students alike, is the crowds of slow walkers who smoke directly in the face of passers-by. 

Our Boundary correspondent staked out on St. George for an afternoon, studying the patterns of dozens walkers before finally feeling comfortable enough to approach. We sat down with Danny Boyd, a second year at Victoria College, who was more than willing to sit and chat if it meant his outfit could be seen by more people. 

“Look man, I’m just trying to enjoy my day and get to class about twenty minutes after the hour. I take my time on my walk over, and in that time I usually manage to get in three or four cigarettes. If that bothers you so much, then I’m reeeaaalllyyy sorry.”

Boyd was spotted later making a loud phone call while walking in the middle of the sidewalk, blowing smoke into the face of any fellow student who tried to pass by him. Only one of them dared to spit in his face.



The Boundary is the University of Toronto's Satire Paper

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