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Joseph Strauss
Mar 14, 2019
Woodsworth Student Worried Girlfriend Only Wants Him for Proximity to Campus, En-Suite Kitchen
Jared Woods, a second-year Woodsworth student living in residence, has maintained a stable relationship with his girlfriend––commuter...

Boundary Staff
Mar 7, 2019
2nd Year Living Situation Quickly Descending into Lord of the Flies
The deepest time in the Canadian winter drives roommates Michael, Nick, Jordan and Jake to be in close quarters more frequently than any...

Emory Claire Mitchell
Mar 5, 2019
First Year Student Credit/No Credits Frosh Friendship
With the drop date quickly approaching, students are scrambling to determine what courses they have time for and what will further their...

Louis Butt
Feb 27, 2019
Student Unsure if Friend on Exchange or Just Day Drinking Alcoholic
Owen Mayer, whose friend recently departed for a semester-long exchange abroad, has started to worry about his school-mate’s overseas...

Will Strachan
Feb 15, 2019
U of T Collectively DM’s McGill “Friend” in Preparation for Reading Week
With the February break quickly approaching, a sense of unorganized panic is sweeping through the U of T community. A time reserved for...
Boundary Staff
Feb 15, 2019
Heartbreaking: Meric Gertler Cancels 6PM Dinner Date at 5:45
Mrs. Gertler was dressed to the nines - and shivering. In all the years she’d lived in Toronto, she’d never seen anything like this:...
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